(What is a Shed?)

(Whitchurch Men in Sheds (Shropshire) is Registered Charity Number 1179267.)

Donations for the Shed will be gratefully received see Contact & Donations:.

The Shed is located at the Back of the Watergate Centre off Castle Street  SY13 1DW see Google Maps LINK

(above entry on Google Maps was restored December 2023)

It is open 10am tp 4pm Wednesdays and Thursdays..

Our Facebook Private Group

For latest projects see our Facebook page.

We are working on a major update of the website and some possible lofos are shown on the Logo Page.

Five year Anniversay

Whitchurch Men in Sheds got going 5 Years ago. with a workshop in CNE by the Tesco Car Park.   That venue was closed shortly before the Pandemic.
We reopened in October 2021 with a new workshop in a room at the back of the Watergate Center (used to be Argos and before that used to be Tesco's)
This graphs shows our number of paying members since we started with a core of less than half a dozen up to the present with 21.
The shed still has some construction to be done before the expected full amount of space is completed.
To learn more please come and visit. Ten till Four Wednesday and Thursday.

Number of Members WMIS

The 2022 AGM was held  on Wednesday Febuary 1st.

For copies of accounts agenda etc see whitchurchmeninsheds.uk/reports..

New Sign May 2022

In May '22 we put up this new sign to help people find us.

For info about our activities please see the Facebook Page or just call in for a chat.  New members most welcome.


location mn Click on above image to view map showing our new location..


The entrance is from the "Castle Hill" road at the back of the Watergate Centre. (Used to be Argos).

There is very limited parking at this entrance, (the shed is only to use the space on the left, for two cars, so leaving the rest for others) and nearest free long term parking is by the Thai Resaurant by Jubilee Park.   Tesco car park is free but you are limited to 3 hours.

The location is fairly accuratly shown on Google Maps:

 What is a Shed VIDEO    

Support the Shed for Free When Shopping

See https://whitchurchmeninsheds.uk/contact for info on the Amazon and Paypal schemes where you can make small donations to WMIS when you shop.  The newer Amazon Smile scheme costs you nothing and Amazon donates 0.5% to your nominated charity; which can be WMIS if you wish (Please)..

UK Sheds Assoociation

The UK Shed association has a lot of content on their YouTube Channel from the recent Shedfest on line event and earlier which is worth watching.

UK Sheds on YOU Tube   ,,,   ...       UK Shed Ass.                            Find a Shed